Guest Switch User
Label Value Edit
Version 2.6.3
Language English (English)
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Label Value Edit
Background Image - not set -
Trianglify No
Trianglify Random Seed vnhnwookoe78,9988djhdbbe,cmvnbgjufikdcmvnbhjfkdcmnvgjfkd
Treat Tags As: Folders
Label Value Edit
Homepage Search No
Default Search Provider - not set -
Link opens in Open in the same tab
Label Value Edit
Custom CSS
@import url("");
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.item:hover {
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@media only screen and (max-width: 750px) {
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.details * {
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.details {
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.app-icon {
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.livestats-container .livestats .title {
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.livestats-container strong {
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.details > .title {
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.item:hover .details > .title {
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Custom JavaScript
(function() {
  // Listen for all link clicks on the page
  document.querySelectorAll('a').forEach(link => {
    link.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
      // Prevent the default action of the link
      // Redirect to the "Never Gonna Give You Up" video
      window.location.href = '';